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Feel better in your body and mind with yoga.

Restart & Retreat

Tennise- ja Joogalaager

Miljana Jocic'i ja Liisianne Kruusmägiga

Iganädalased joogatunnid
Zen Space Stuudios Kalaranna 8

Interested in a private class? Reach out on: liisianne.kruusmagi@gmail.com


Esmaspäeviti 17:45-19:00

Deliciously soft movement in the beginning of a week that helps you to consciously focus on your weekly goals.
In this class you will practice Vinyasa style yoga with Yin yoga elements.

Now available online packages

Onlineclasses and classes in person

Tule algajate kursusele

Come & learn yoga at beginner's course

start: 29.01.2023
All levels and genders welcome

Liisianne vaatab otsa ja naeratab mentorprogrammid

Health Mentorship Program

Health mentorship is for those who are too busy to pause to reflect on their life and see how their (unhealthy) habits influence them. In the health mentorship program this is exactly what we are doing and you may learn something new about yourself.

In this program we are reflecting on your habitual behavior that may cause certain symptoms in your body that show something is not in harmony. Your eating habits, way of spending leisure time, workout pattern, sleep and thoughts - your accustomed way of living - may not serve you the best and even be a compromise.

I am Liisianne, a yoga instructor and an advocate of a healthful lifestyle.

10 years of yoga practice have transformed me from a student into the role of a teacher. A thrilling journey, moving stories and inspiring clients continue keeping me on the path of Yoga. 

Yoga is a science that is embedded in ancient philosophy and modern knowledge of anatomy. Yoga is a lifestyle that helps us to expand our awareness of ourselves and our health through the body and mind. 

Uniting the body and mind and acknowledging both equally results in a more lively and balanced You.

Give the gift of healthy habits


Yoga class is a perfect gift for someone who has been wanting to start yet so far didn't know how.

What my students say:

The reason why I attend Liisianne’s classes is the trust I have in her. If the teacher loves what she teaches (is a fan of her field) it shows in the class and adds a lot to it! The class is so much more enjoyable.
Board member
What I like the most about Liisianne’s classes is her attentiveness when she mixes different styles according to the participants and creates beautiful connections between the body and mind. This is exactly what helps me to move forward in my own body and challenge myself with the support of Liisianne more than I would be able to do if I practiced alone.
Manager of Retail banking
Head and neck pain is gone! I have also become more aware of my bad body posture at work and corrected it accordingly. I feel taller, more agile, more flexible and happier.
Doctor resident

The only purpose of yoga is transformation.

Adil Palkhivala

Master Yoga Teacher

The yoga philosophy and physical yoga practice can be your guide to healthful and wholehearted life. 

Through my own experience and knowledge I can support your journey so that your body can serve and support you for many years to come.



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