Personaalse joogaprogrammi sisendiks on Sinu murekohad, treenituse tase ning eesmärgid, mida soovid saavutada. Selle info abil koostan 4-nädalase programmi, mis aitab kodus treenida nii, et see mõjub motiveerivalt ning tõstab füüsilist vormi.
Personaalne joogaplaan sobib Sulle kui:
You like doing yoga at the time and place of your choice
You expect your physical exercise to be a conscious movement
You wish to balance out your fast lifestyle
You wish to prevent problems deriving from lifestyle such as lower back pain, sleeping problems, muscular tension, decrease in flexibility, drowsiness, high blood pressure etc.
You aim to increase the share of good habits in your life
You have no time to attend group classes yet you want to move
Personaalne joogaplaan sobib Sulle kui:
You wish to prevent problems deriving from lifestyle such as lower back pain, sleeping problems, muscular tension, decrease in flexibility, drowsiness, high blood pressure etc.
You like doing yoga at the time and place of your choice
You expect your physical exercise to be a conscious movement
You wish to balance out your fast lifestyle
You aim to increase the share of good habits in your life
You have no time to attend group classes yet you want to move
4-week program 390 €
Includes: One in-person meeting Document with yoga instructions Video 2 private yoga classes

Mida võid oodata:
In the first meeting we get to know each other to understand what your starting point for the program is.
Right after I put together a personalized 60 - minute yoga program and also will share an interactive file format that includes images and videos of the exercises. In the first private yoga class we go through this sequence together in order to find suitable modifications for you. The client can practice the program alone (it is suggested 2-3 times a week) for four consecutive weeks.
The yoga program consists of warm-up, muscle strengthening and stretching exercises which work on all areas of the body.
It is a good opportunity to move your body at your own pace and time.
An individual yoga program suits best for a person who already has a habit of doing sports regularly or who seeks a physical discipline to recover from other sports / activities. The program also suits a family person as it offers flexible training that fits the busy schedules of mom & dads with small children.
An individual yoga program is not recommended if you struggle meeting commitments or you have never practiced yoga before.