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Broneeri tasuta 60-minutiline konsultatsioon

Kõne käigus teeme kindlaks, kas tervisementorlus võiks sulle sobida ja kuidas sind kõige paremini aidata saaksin.


"Motivation & health check-up"

mentorlusprogramm vestlustega

4 weeks

It is said that it takes 21 days to form new habits. Sometimes more, sometimes less - depending on the person's character, motivation and many other aspects.


I offer you:

  • 4 x 60 minutiline mentrolusvestlus igal nädalal (online’is või silmast silma);
  • olen 4 nädala jooksul olemas telefonitsi ja kirjutades, ka väljaspool kohtumisi, kui on teemasid, mis hakkavad vestluste kaudu avanema, kuid see ei ole ainult konkreetne graafiku sättimine ja harjumuste väljajuurimine;

We will approach your life holistically based on six rays which are:

  1. body
  2. thoughts
  3. emotions
  4. relations
  5. materiality
  6. spirituality

Kõik osad on võrdselt olulised, kuna on tihedalt üksteisega seotud. Kui sügavale nende teemadega otsustad minna, jääb sinu enda otsustada. Praktika näitab, et info, milleni 4- nädalase mentorlusprogrammiga jõuame, on oluline, et näha enda vajadusi ja soove, millele kompromisse luua ei saa, sest see on põhjus, mis tekitab kurnatust, viib eesmärkidest eemale ja hoiab elus tagasi. 

What is the outcome?

  • you look at life broader - you are better capable to see the cause-result relationship in events and can predict consequences of certain behaviour
  • you will get secure tools that help you steer yourself through stormy times
  • we will create a holistic daily schedule that takes your deep needs into account
  • we will make a check-up for your dietary habits and their influence on your behaviour. We create new healthier eating habits.
  • Sinuga jäävad hingamisharjutused ja kõik märkmed, mida oled enda keha tunnetamise osas teinud

All the knowledge and tools that you get from this programme will help you in your daily rhythm to be more self-confident and motivated to create order in your life and eliminate habits that inhibit you from enjoying life. All this will progressively bring you closer to living your dream life that you actually will enjoy every day of. 

4 weeks / 400 €


"Complete self-inquiry and a new daily rhythm"

8 weeks

Teine pakett tervise mentorluses on pikem ja kestab kokku 8 nädalat. See on põhjalik edasiminek elus – värskenduskuur, mis tõstab motivatsiooni ja tekitab elevuse elu ees. Selle projekti tulemusel toimuvad muutused on kindlasti kõige selgemad ja tugevamad.

I offer you:

  • 8 x 60-minute mentorship consultation (1 session/weekly), face-to-face or online 
  • I will be there for you throughout these 8 weeks a phone call or email away in case you need support outside of the regular meetings.

In this process we question the everyday reality or, in other words, your daily habits and activities that we all do in automatic pilot, but that almost always lead to unsatisfactory results. 

We will observe the shadow sides of these daily habits and activities that create symptoms showing that not everything is in harmony with the body. 

We approach the conversations based on six rays which are:

  1. body
  2. thoughts
  3. emotions
  4. relations
  5. materiality
  6. spirituality

All rays are equally important as they send out important information. Often we find ourselves in dead end when these 6 aspects are not coherent with each other. If one of these aspects scores low, it also makes other aspects more fragile and we experience dissatisfaction with our lives. 

What is the outcome?

  • you look at life broader - you are better capable to see the cause-result relationship in things and can predict consequences for certain behaviour
  • you will get secure tools that help you steer yourself through stormy times
  • we will create a holistic daily schedule that takes your deep needs into account
  • we will make a check-up for your dietary habits and their influence on your behaviour. We create new healthier eating habits.
  • Sinuga jäävad hingamisharjutused ja märkmed, mida enda kohta oled teinud
  • you will be more self-confident and self-aware of your health, natural rhythm and needs.

It will be an extraordinary trip through many aspects in your life that brings you surely closer to happier daily life. 

8 nädalat / 890 €


I recommend health mentorship with Liisianne to someone who has topics that inhibit living fully and appreciate life. These concerns may be physical, emotional or mental - during the mentorship programme you are being approached holistically and this allows to find the root cause of your uneasiness. Health mentorship programme is a terrific opportunity to stop ignoring what sabotages you and start facing yourself with the guidance of Liisianne and seek solutions. You do not have to search for them far since they are right inside you :)

I am delighted that I regained my sense of purpose in life that I had somehow lost along the way. I feel gratitude for Liisianne for she helped me see what I need to be happy.
Additionally, I now have many tricks and tips that I use, also the notes I took during our conversations that I can always refer back to.

I got much more out of this 8-week journey with you than I initially expected. I'm very grateful, thank you so much!


Merlin portreepilt

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