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Pause. Here and now.

21 – 23. aprill  |  LaSpa Hotel

Have you ever thought that our nervous system was not designed to simultaneously:

  • manage several social media channels,
  • read 50 books in a year,
  • excel at career,
  • lead socially active life,
  • exercise daily,
  • raise children,
  • plan future,
  • participate in workshops & trainings
  • and plan again...all at the same time. 

Do you believe that burnout doesn't happen suddenly, but the process that leads to it may be invisible and take years? 

How can we avoid it? 

Allow yourself to take time off and engage with activities that activate parasympathetic nervous system.

Hence I invite you to PAUSE. 
To step out of daily hassle. 
Into silence.

There's your story hiding in this silence. 
A tempting opportunity to let your thoughts be free. 

Because when was the last time you really took time to reflect how you're doing?
How to enjoy the moment more?
How to cope with life's hardships? 

21 – 23. aprillil 2023

At LaSpa Hotel, Laulasmaa

only 12 people

What are we doing in that weekend?


Energy work.


Enjoy nourishing food. 

Be in silence. 




We gather inspiration from guest speakers, who share their stories, practical tools and insights that have supported them in life. 

Detailed information about guest spaekers coming soon.

What are we NOT doing?

Everything that we do in our daily lives.

Image source: laspa.ee

Price: 400 EUR

That contains:

  • accommodation for 2 nights at LaSpa Hotel Meremaja (shared rooms)
  • unlimited access to the spa 
  • delicious breakfast 
  • 3 yoga classes
  • inspiring guest speakers

For additional fee: 

  • 2 dinners
  • massages
  • transport to Laulasmaa and back
  • being alone in the room


Reede 21.aprill

Tubadesse registreerimine, sisseelamine

Hingamine ja Yin praktika

20.00 – ÕHTUSÖÖK restoranis Wicca

LAUPÄEV 22.aprill

8.30 Hommikune Joogapraktika

Külalisesineja Piret Annus Reinberg

14.00 Lõunasöök ja vaba aeg

16.30 Energiaharjutus ja YIN Jooga
Külalisõpetaja Nelli Põldmäe

19.00 – ÕHTUSÖÖK Restoranis Wicca

PÜHAPÄEV 23.aprill

8.30 Hommikune praktika

9.45 Hommikusöök

11.00 Kuidas enda eest paremini hoolt kanda?
Külalisesineja Dali Karat

12.30 – Tšau ja kojusõit!


After filling out the form below we will send you the payment details. Your place is secured only after we have received your full payment.

Price of the weekend: 400 EUR